25+ hours since the matriarch of our family left for P.A.-apalooza in suburban Chicago and we are somehow still surviving. Of course the house is in utter chaos, we are eating M&M's with a side of ice cream at every meal, and there is not a vegetable in sight, but what else can be expected from a stay-at-home dad. Chipotle is on speed dial, the fridge is stocked with beer, the kids have been running around the backyard without clothes or sunscreen, and tonight we are all going to daddy's softball game to play in the dirt. This of course will be followed by going to the bar, running around while dad drinks beer and plays pull-tabs, and staying up until at least midnight. Just like that Parenting 101 class suggested.
Seriously, things have been going great. A had "Fun in the Sun" with the incomparable Teacher Lisa today and painted a Jackson Pollock-like masterpiece. Meanwhile B and Daddy went to the DMV and the bank before going home to nap, scratch ourselves, mow the lawn, and do other man things. Maybe on Wednesday when A has "Fun in the Sun" Day #2 B and I will try scotch, cigars, and picking up chicks at the park.
Yes, we did go out for lunch, but what is a dad gonna do? Today it was Schlotzsky's by Southdale where we unexpectedly ran into little Tommy Larsen's daddy. We proceeded to have what must have looked like the perfect Norman Rockwell alternative lifestyle lunch. Two men - two kids. Except my non-showered/shorts/t-shirt look was probably our saving grace. Mr. Larsen was dressed much better than I, and I clearly would not have been an acceptable partner.
That is our day so far. Silly mommy for thinking I would not blog while she was gone. Isn't that part of the job?
We miss you mommy. Hopefully Uncle G is keeping you in line while you are away. See you Friday night and/or Saturday morning.
Seriously, things have been going great. A had "Fun in the Sun" with the incomparable Teacher Lisa today and painted a Jackson Pollock-like masterpiece. Meanwhile B and Daddy went to the DMV and the bank before going home to nap, scratch ourselves, mow the lawn, and do other man things. Maybe on Wednesday when A has "Fun in the Sun" Day #2 B and I will try scotch, cigars, and picking up chicks at the park.
Yes, we did go out for lunch, but what is a dad gonna do? Today it was Schlotzsky's by Southdale where we unexpectedly ran into little Tommy Larsen's daddy. We proceeded to have what must have looked like the perfect Norman Rockwell alternative lifestyle lunch. Two men - two kids. Except my non-showered/shorts/t-shirt look was probably our saving grace. Mr. Larsen was dressed much better than I, and I clearly would not have been an acceptable partner.
That is our day so far. Silly mommy for thinking I would not blog while she was gone. Isn't that part of the job?
We miss you mommy. Hopefully Uncle G is keeping you in line while you are away. See you Friday night and/or Saturday morning.
AAAAaaawwwwwww, you are just so cute I could scream! You can't be such a good blogger though, Katie might start to feel bad. Next post include some bad grammar and spelling errors.
Oh my gosh!!!! I almost dropped dead from complete and utter shock! Wow, what a daddy. I miss you guys, and am glad to hear that you are doing so well (not like I didn't know you'd be fine). To top off an exhilarating review of cardiology, ophthalmology, and orthopaedics, we are given a 120 question test every night which they grade and give us the results the next day, to show me how badly I am going to fail. I'm not serious about that, but this will be a true measure of what I need to review the most, for today is the first day I've started studying (other than Greg reading review questions the whole drive to Chicago). I'll check in tomorrow! You'll have to blog about the Saints game tomorrow, Superdaddy!
You are the best daddy blogger evah!
Uh Oh! Mike blogs with more frequency than Katie! Truly enjoyed Mike's post too!
Go Mike. You rock. and what a great blogger you are. A hidden talent. I think Katie has hit the bottle again... the mountain dew one. She is skipping her classes for Portillos, Giordano's and... pedicures.
She is back in ChicAgo. LOOK OUT.
Hopefully Katie will leave more often. The blog is MUCH more enjoyable with you at the helm of the keyboard. Katies blogs have grown stale and ..... boring. Good to know Superdad is around the corner to save us and put LIFE back into Milk and O's.
(I cant wait for kate to read this)
The Landlord of Katies Bed and Breakfast. Dave
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