Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Busy June

We had our 20 week ultrasound recently, and everything was perfect. Mike pitched at a fastball tournament in Star Prairie, WI last weekend, and we went along for fun. We had a new front sidewalk poured on the 24th, and it really satisfies my need for symmetry. I'll have to post a picture. Annalise took part in a early learning study at the U of M on Wednesday morning, and Thursday evening I had an ete purse party. Thanks to Kim for letting Mike and the kids crash at her place, and swim in the pool while I was having mommy time. Mike pitched in Chippewa Falls on Saturday, and we elected to skip that day of ball, and play with Hope, Chad, and the kids instead. Mike and I went out to eat and to see Get Smart last night. Today the kids got haircuts, followed by their 4 year old and 2 year old portraits at JCPenney.

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