Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Animal House

That is what we had today. So the "if you can't beat em', join em'" cliche came into play and we went to the zoo. Mostly because the kids wanted to, but Kate's skepticism that I would actually do something that she suggested while she was gone also came into play a little bit. Very fun time. We saw the new grizzly exhibit, diligently collected all the stamps on the MN Trail, discussed our favorite nocturnal animals ad nauseam, ..... The only issues with the trip were the hotter than the surface of the sun temperature and the random summer camp groups running around. Note to area residents: Batman/The Dark Knight is apparently showing at the zoo's IMAX. Definitely worth consideration for those of you that go to movies more than once a year. Kate and I went to the last Superman there. Excellent.
Mommy will be happy to know that we have mixed in a few vegetables over the past few days. Superdad has pushed the carrots and corn, and the picky offspring have bought into it. The chances of selling anything green continue to be slim however. Also mommy, we have not even been to Chipotle yet, but I'm afraid that claim will no longer be valid after lunchtime tomorrow.
Stay cool bloggers. I'm off to dreamland after a great day of parenting. That is until A has her first issue of the night at least.


Danielle said...

Oh Michael, I think you need your own blog, this is good stuff, I love the little jabs at Katie too.

Katie said...

I am SHOCKED that you actually did something from my "suggested" list. Sounds like it's a hot one in Mpls. Thanks for the great domestic job you're doing hon; I'll continue to enjoy my trashy novel and bon bons. Oh that's right, I'm busy feeding the new mother and changing Ben's diapers- that's how I sold you on this trip, right?