Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Surprised by Sickness

We went to gymnastics this morning after a completely uneventful breakfast time, and all of a sudden, A was just flopping in my lap. She didn't have enough energy to do any of the aparatus, but she wanted to stick it out for stamps (she got purple Minnie Mouse stamps on both hands, both feet, and her belly). We then proceeded to the Mall of America for Toddler Tuesday- the program was Music Together; A and B both seemed to enjoy the singing. We met Danielle and the boys there, and headed to Legoland. I didn't get to talk to Danielle at all, because once we got to Legoland, A had to head to the bathroom. You think at that point, I'd let the poor kid go home, but instead we headed to Granite City for lunch with Eric and Katie. We had a nice time at lunch, and then headed home for naps. A bout of diarrhea caught A by surprise on her way to the toilet, so after getting both kids down for naps, I had to clean and disinfect the bathroom, and then myself. Now all is well, and I'm planning on enjoying the last evening at home with my husband before he flies to Arizona for a business trip.

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