Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mr. F is back!

Yay! It was a long two days, but Mike is home from San Fran. He is exhausted, and now has more work to do than before he left, but it is great having him home. I did really well with the kids; having dinner with Danielle and the boys last night really helped. Danielle made an excellent dinner- see her blog for the corn fritter recipe( My Texas friend, Mrs. B, sent a bumbo chair UPS today, for B to try. Her little Miss F was not a fan of the bumbo chair after approximately 3 days. Let's see if it was worth mailing to us to try it. If you don't know what a bumbo is, that's okay, it was new to me too. Amazing how quickly things change in the world of baby-rearing, even two years ago it was a whole different ballgame. If B likes it, I'll post his picture so you can see him happily sitting up, and to get a glimpse of the revered Bumbo.

1 comment:

JenyB said...

It's OK--you could've posted that Miss F didn't fit in it 'cuz she has the big thighs! Hope Mr. B likes it!!