Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The cause of our sleepless nights

I think we should find a bib that reads, "I love keeping my parents up all night, and sleeping all day." We are having a heck of a time with B at night. He lays in his crib for about 20-30 minutes max, and when the grunting/moaning/writhing leads to a hearty wail, we dash in there to retrieve him before he wakes up his sister. After running through the checklist- fed him, burped him, diapered him, he's not hot/cold, etc., one of us holds him while he grunts and squirms.

I am planning on getting a haircut tomorrow during blocktime. I was planning on it anyway, but when I dropped off the kids at Danielle's yesterday, she commented on my hippy hair. I know she didn't mean any insult, but it was just the extra push I needed to get that haircut scheduled.

Mike kicks off his summer of fastpitch softball tonight in St. Paul. He has organized a new league team, which will play in St. Paul on Wednesday nights. He is still planning on playing with the travel league he joined when we were living in Illinois- Earl's Club of Kenosha, Wisconsin.


Danielle said...

Oh, don't get you haircut on my account! I think you look great, you would never know that you are eating ice cream twice a day! Ha Ha. Have a great time at the salon!

Danielle said...

I forgot to say that Bennett is an absolute cutie, thanks for sharing the pic.

JenyB said...

He is too cute! I love that bib! Show him that picture if there's ever any sibling rivalry later on