Monday, September 28, 2009

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Think of me tomorrow, Milk and O's followers. I am such a mix of emotions, I can't even say which one is the most prominent, or lingering. I have set out my outfit, and I'm already in my pajamas. Now I'm going to soak up some of the calm oozing out of my husband, and head off to bed.


Stokes said...

I am so excited for you! You'll have to report with all of the first day news...

Best of luck to the calm-as-a- cucumber-SAHD, too...although I don't think he needs much luck. Beer, yes. Luck, no.

Can't wait to see more pics of the new abode. It looks spectacular from the outside!

Danielle said...

Good Luck, I know you'll have a great day!