Thursday, September 17, 2009

Delicious Progress

Mike was scheduled to be at The House today at 1:30 for the inspection. Well, I couldn't stay away. After picking up B from school, the boys and I went to Einsteins in my new 'hood for lunch, then cruised around the neighborhood, seein' the sights. We drove by Bryant Lake Regional Park beach- nice! We found the park, 0.3 miles from our new driveway. Bennett had a great time on the slides, balance beam, rocking motorcycle, and swinging gate apparatus and then we took a stroller ride to the house. Bennett played in the backyard on the swingset, and it was so fun to watch him get so excited and see him really enjoying himself at our new house. I left Bennett at The House with Mike, Mom and Dad (who had taken a motorcycle ride up to see the new place), and Colin had a carnap while we picked up Annalise from school. Twelve minutes from The House to school, and ten minutes back home! Woo hoo! Annalise was also excited to see the house, and "liked everything about it, except the kitchen." Apparently, she doesn' t like that it is painted burgundy/red, and suggests purple for the redecorating hue.


Danielle said...

Wow, I love it, so cute! I tried to find it online and could not. I'm so happy for you guys!

cynthia said...

Congratulations!!! THe house is HUGE! Look at that backyard!! WoW! Can't wait to see more!!!!!

Hope said...

I am so, so, so happy for you guys and can't wait until you move in. I can't wait to see the house.