Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Home Stretch?

The cabinets will be totally installed today. We're ordering two windows, sconces, and the carpeting tonight. The countertop measurements will be taken tomorrow morning. It's really taking shape! We might even take our TV out of the cardboard box it's been living in, in our living room! No, that might be too drastic.
It has been nice to get back to a routine as far as school goes. We had a really long break! Annalise has been very tired, both in the mornings and after school as well. Bennett has class on Friday, and it will have been a LONG time since we've been at school, due to break and Bennett being out sick for the last class of December.
B and I went on a good grocery shopping trip this morning. I need to get back to my eating plan- Christmas was not too bad, but I'd like to be very conscious of my food choices. I also have to get the rest of the Christmas cookies out of the house, and get back in the groove of making almost all of our meals at home. I think that was key to our weight loss success this fall.

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