Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mommy Play Date

I just got back from hanging out on Mary's patio with some of A's classmates moms. We had a really nice time, and enjoyed some mojitos, grapes, and cheese. Tonight for dinner, we brought Dino's gyros over to Danielle's. The kids had a fun time playing at Disneyland (Danielle's backyard) after supper. It is fun to watch them and imagine how it is going to be when we all get together, even 5 years down the road. We'll be like the Ya Ya's, sitting back sipping our Morgan cokes, and refereeing.
We are headed to Mankato tomorrow for Mike's cousin's wedding. We'll be back in town on Saturday, because Mike has a fastpitch tournament in West St. Paul. Why can't they all be so close?
My mom and dad celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary this weekend, although they can't remember whether it's the 22nd or 23rd, so therefore I can't remember either. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Congratulations!

1 comment:

JenyB said...

I want to be a YaYa! Can someone please find my husband a job up there!?!?