Thursday, June 14, 2007

I've Been Released

I am done with jury duty. I was not chosen as a jurist (long story- can't tell you anyway), but now I am SOOOO curious about the case. I'll be reading the Metro section like a mad woman. We (9 or so of us) were excused from the rest of our jury duty- tomorrow and all of next week. I'm torn- glad to be done, and to have no complications in figuring out our trip to Green Bay this weekend, and also a feeling of being rejected. I think most of you know how I am fueled by wanting to be liked and accepted by anyone and everyone. It was such an interesting experience. I can't wait to re-enter the world! It was really fun being downtown- it reminded me of my summer job during jr/sr years of high school, when I was downtown everyday. I think I got just a bit of a glimpse into Mike's experience, where you are away from your kids all day, and then have just a few hours to bond with them before bedtime. I missed them so much! So much more than I thought I would- I didn't miss having to think of what to make for lunches though; that is my least favorite aspect of my job.


Danielle said...

Yeaaaaa!!! So can you tell us why you were excused? Did you have to tell them about your friends cop husband?

Hope said...

I can't wait to hear the story. I understand that you are now obsessed with this case. Hope to see you soon.