Thursday, January 26, 2012

Annie the Tooth Got Whacked

Many moons ago, at a different place and time in life, there was a little baby girl who commanded all of Mr. Mom's and Mrs. Dad's attention. She was the only game in town and she knew it. She has been relatively good at sharing our attention since giving way to two brothers, but ol' Mr. Mom does remember those days when there was nothing else on the agenda other than playing with this little girl. No school, no soccer, no dance, no competing siblings, .....

It was during this time that the don of FroFamily, Inc. decided that this little girl should inherit a mafioso moniker. The don, being of questionable mind and minimal cleverness, worked with what he had, which at that time consisted of an effervescent smile, a jubilant personality, a flair for cheesy faces, and one big front-and-center top row tooth. Using the obvious, the don christened this little angel to be "Annie the Tooth".

For several weeks/months, Annie the Tooth was true to this name. That one singular tooth hung in there as the lone white light in a sea of saliva. Eventually, and predictably, it was joined by other pearly whites, but Annie the Tooth she would continue to be.

That is .... until Sunday 1/22/12 when Annie the Tooth got whacked. That big, beautiful, original tooth now sleeps with the fishes, and all that is left is a gaping hole in A's mouth.

Ciao Annie the Tooth. We'll miss ya.


Danielle said...

Cute! Let's see a pic of the smile now!

Unknown said...

Haha, I always make up mobster names for people. Sorry to hear about "The Tooth", may she rest in peace.

Leigh said...

I, too would like to see a picture. I would bet that A is as pretty as ever with her toothless grin.