Thursday, December 06, 2007

Helpful Sister

A tells B, as he looks at the bee from an Old McDonald happy meal, "bumble bees don't usually wear shoes." Annalise has been cracking me up lately. She put water on her hair yesterday afternoon, and ran into her bedroom to tell me and B, "I've been baptized!" She then got her hand wet to baptize Bennett too. Yesterday she told me that they read a book about Hanukah in school. She ran around the house yelling, "first night of Hanukah- Happy Hanukah!" Then she looked around and said, "where's our hanukah?" "Do you mean menorah? We don't have one, we're not Jewish." "Well, we can still celebrate the 8 days of lights!"

On Saturday, Mike and I went to A Christmas Carol at the new Guthrie. It was really well done, and fun to get out with my husband. On Sunday, we attended mass with the Hudrliks, and became Jackson's godparents. I'm so excited- I'm a first time godmother. Since there has to be crying at a baptism, and Jack was much too calm, B took over. He wanted to swim in the baptismal font, and kept pulling his leg up to climb the ledge of the pool, and moaning, "water, wahhter...." Hope ended up holding him during the baptism ceremony. We'll have to remain lifelong friends, or they'll look back at pictures and say, "now, who's that kid?" I guess it's true what they say about it taking a village...

Tomorrow is my dear husband's birthday. It also happens to be the night of his company holiday party. G&G are going to have the kids sleep over- yay! Then Saturday morning, both sets of parents are coming over to finally....drywall! It should be a fun, and busy weekend.

One last Annalise-ism: on Tuesday, when we had such a beautiful snowfall, I mentioned to A that we could have cocoa for snack that day, since it was snowing. As she was enjoying her cocoa that afternoon, she asked, "why when we were playing in the snow at Grandpa and Grandma's, and then went in the house, I had cocoa, and they didn't?" I said I didn't know, maybe they didn't feel like having cocoa, or didn't like it. About half an hour later, I was watching a Tivo'd show, and Annalise came over and gingerly placed her hand on my shoulder. I paused the show; solemnly she asked, "have Grandpa and Grandma even tried cocoa??"


Danielle said...

So do you think that Annalise is taking after Mike, a person of few words but when they are they are right on the money. She's hilarious, does she know she's so funny?

cynthia said...

Annalise sounds just like Katie to me!!! Watch out, she is going to out-smart you when she is 13! Love the post!!!