Colin has been taking longer and longer stretches of steps the past few days. His first steps we are recording as January 5th, but his primary mode of transport has still been crawling. I think he is transitioning into a walker! Our baby is growing up.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Yo quiero Taco Bell!
Colin has been taking longer and longer stretches of steps the past few days. His first steps we are recording as January 5th, but his primary mode of transport has still been crawling. I think he is transitioning into a walker! Our baby is growing up.
A Day In The Life...

1) Chief Breadwinner has officially protested said moniker. Apparently she felt that it was insensitive to Native Americans. So, first let me apologize to anyone I may have offended by using "Chief" in such an inappropriate manner. Secondly, for the sake of maintaining confidentiality from all the anonymous sickos that read this blog, I need to come up with a new blog name for my beloved wife. Based on the fuss caused by using such a harsh term like "Chief" in her last label, I'm guessing names that describe her current medical specialty like "Butt Doctor" or "AssPA" are immediately out as possibilities. So, I'm going to go with the lame, but safe, Mrs. Dad. Why not flip the Mr. Mom cliche on its head? Why should men breaking traditional gender stereotypes be the only ones saddled with salutatory-challenged job descriptions?
2) Unbeknownst to Mrs. Dad and I, Little A has apparently adopted a Scandanavian family and enthusiastically picked up their strange dialect. Her new favorite word/phrase is Uff Da. She uses it frequently and in all types of situations. It is classic and something my German blood finds very endearing and entertaining, but alas can never truly comprehend.
3) Baby C has really started to show a personality. Pointing and grunting constantly. I only wish I could go through life communicating like this, but Mrs. Dad already takes umbrage with my lack of verbal communication skills with her.
4) B says something to crack me up on a daily basis. Usually it is between bouts of whining or ultimatums, but it is a ray of hope that every parent needs to hold onto as we navigate these troubling waters of child rearing. The last thing that really got me was a conversation on the way home from school. We were having our usual classical music listening session on MPR when some type of news report started. Before I could switch the station, the topic of the President's latest and greatest plan to levy a special tax/fee on the country's largest banks/financial institutions came up. Being a commercial finance guy in my past life, as well as an economics nerd, I was interested and had to hear it out. An interview clip of some guy with an English accent comes on and he is saying what a bad idea this is from a pure economics standpoint, etc. After the interview clip ends and this mini-rant is over, B says to me, "Dad, was that the Grinch on the radio?"
5) A big thank you must go out to CH/HH for turning me onto Holmes on Homes on HGTV. It is classic television for a wannabe do-it-yourselfer like me. Holmes is the second best superhero on TV next to Jack Bauer. Check your local listings.Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Busy, Happy Times
Friday was a vacation day from work, and Mike, Colin, and I met Mom and Dad at Birchwood Cafe for brunch. It was a nice day off, although I didn't really do anything remarkable, other than just enjoy being away
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Happy New Year!
Christmastime 2009