Bennett and Annalise love the Christmas tree!
MORE! That is what Bennett says whenever the music ends...he loves music! Whenever the hymn ends at church, the guitar stops playing at ECFE or the girls stopped singing during the play we attended yesterday, B moans quietly (or sometimes rather vocally) MORE!
Yesterday after we picked Annalise up after school, Mike, Grandma J, A, B, and I went to see Madeline's Christmas at Stages Theatre in Hopkins. We had a really nice time. Today Annalise has a Holiday Tea at school. Bennett and I stayed home from school, because B is just not feeling like his usual chipper self.
Last night, we had dinner at Nok and Pat's new house. Mike and I just smiled at each other as we stuffed ourselves with Nok's amazing Thai dishes. The kids had a really nice time, and played well together while the adults were still eating. Thanks for a wonderful evening!
Tonight I'm going to hang out with my girls, a night which is long overdue. Bridget and Steve will be at my parents' house tomorrow, and we hope to get lots of cousin playing time in while they are here.
I don't know if I'll post an update or not before Christmas, so if not MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!